

发表于:2025-01-21 作者:千家信息网编辑
千家信息网最后更新 2025年01月21日,Oracle常用的一些操作,记录下来:1.建立表空间和用户的步骤:用户建立:create user 用户名 identified by "密码";授权:grant create session to
千家信息网最后更新 2025年01月21日Oracle常用操作


1.建立表空间和用户的步骤:用户建立:create user 用户名 identified by "密码";授权:grant create session to 用户名;            grant create table to  用户名;            grant create tablespace to  用户名;            grant create view to  用户名;                        2.表空间建立表空间(一般建N个存数据的表空间和一个索引空间):create tablespace 表空间名datafile ' 路径(要先建好路径)\***.dbf  ' size *Mtempfile ' 路径\***.dbf ' size *Mautoextend on  --自动增长--还有一些定义大小的命令,看需要 default storage( initial 100K, next 100k,);例子:创建表空间create tablespace DEMOSPACE datafile 'E:/oracle_tablespaces/DEMOSPACE_TBSPACE.dbf' size 1500M autoextend on next 5M maxsize 3000M;删除表空间drop tablespace DEMOSPACE including contents and datafiles3.用户权限授予用户使用表空间的权限:alter user 用户名 quota unlimited on 表空间;或 alter user 用户名 quota *M on 表空间;4.--表空间CREATE TABLESPACE sdtDATAFILE 'F:\tablespace\demo' size 800M         EXTENT MANAGEMENT LOCAL SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT AUTO; --索引表空间CREATE TABLESPACE sdt_IndexDATAFILE 'F:\tablespace\demo' size 512M                  EXTENT MANAGEMENT LOCAL SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT AUTO;     --2.建用户create user demo identified by demo default tablespace demo; --3.赋权grant connect,resource to demo;grant create any sequence to demo;grant create any table to demo;grant delete any table to demo;grant insert any table to demo;grant select any table to demo;grant unlimited tablespace to demo;grant execute any procedure to demo;grant update any table to demo;grant create any view to demo;5.--导入导出命令   ip导出方式: exp demo/demo@ file=f:/f.dmp full=yexp demo/demo@orcl file=f:/f.dmp full=yimp demo/demo@orcl file=f:/f.dmp full=y ignore=y6.--创建数据链create database link ygbgtest_portaltest_link    connect to portal identified by portal    using '(DESCRIPTION =     (ADDRESS_LIST =       (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))     )     (CONNECT_DATA =       (SERVICE_NAME = orcl)     )   )';   select * from portal_information@ygbgtest_portaltest_link;   7.--创建临时表以获取远程表数据   Create global temporary table temp_ygbg_information on commit preserve rows as select * from portal_information@ygbgtest_portaltest_link;select count(1) from temp_ygbg_information t;select * from temp_ygbg_information;8.--从临时表中将数据插入到目的表中insert into portal_information  (id,   title,   picture_url,   status,   author_id,   author_name,   create_time,   modify_date,   delete_date,   view_num,   order_flag,   summary,   type,   promulgation_charge,   information_source,   sort_num,   sub_title,   is_slidenews) select    SEQ_PORTAL_INFORMATION.NEXTVAL,   title,   picture_url,   status,   author_id,   author_name,   create_time,   modify_date,   delete_date,   view_num,   order_flag,   summary,   type,   promulgation_charge,   information_source,   sort_num,   sub_title,   is_slidenews from temp_ygbg_information t1 where t1.id=3338;