
怎么分析MongoDb Mmap引擎

发表于:2025-02-03 作者:千家信息网编辑
千家信息网最后更新 2025年02月03日,这篇文章给大家介绍怎么分析MongoDb Mmap引擎,内容非常详细,感兴趣的小伙伴们可以参考借鉴,希望对大家能有所帮助。MongoDB在3.0之前一直使用mmap引擎作为默认存储引擎,本篇从源码角度
千家信息网最后更新 2025年02月03日怎么分析MongoDb Mmap引擎

这篇文章给大家介绍怎么分析MongoDb Mmap引擎,内容非常详细,感兴趣的小伙伴们可以参考借鉴,希望对大家能有所帮助。


存储按照db来分目录, 每个db目录下有 .ns文件 {dbname}.0, {dbname}.1 等文件。journal 目录下存放的是WAL(write ahead log) 用于故障恢复。 目录结构如下:

db|------journal           |----_j.0           |----_j.1           |----lsn|------local           |----local.ns           |----local.0           |----local.1|------mydb           |----mydb.ns           |----mydb.0           |----mydb.1





 89    DurableMappedFile _f{MongoFile::Options::SEQUENTIAL};       90    std::unique_ptr _ht;               154    const std::string pathString = nsPath.string(); 159    _f.open(pathString);232    p = _f.getView();242    _ht.reset(new NamespaceHashTable(p, (int)len, "namespace index"));



39 int NamespaceHashTable::_find(const Namespace& k, bool& found) const {        46     while (1) {        47         if (!_nodes(i).inUse()) {        48             if (firstNonUsed < 0)49                 firstNonUsed = i;        50         }       51        52         if (_nodes(i).hash == h && _nodes(i).key == k) {        53             if (chain >= 200) 54                 log() << "warning: hashtable " << _name << " long chain " << std::endl;        55             found = true; 56             return i;        57         }        58         chain++;        59         i = (i + 1) % n; 60         if (i == start) {        62             log() << "error: hashtable " << _name << " is full n:" << n << std::endl;        63             return -1;64         }       65         if (chain >= maxChain) {        66             if (firstNonUsed >= 0)        67                 return firstNonUsed;68             log() << "error: hashtable " << _name << " max chain reached:" << maxChain << std::endl;69             return -1;70         }       71     }       72 }




struct NamespaceDetails {// extent对应于一个内存连续块,由于mmap,也是文件连续区域。一张表有多个extent。// 以双向链表的形式组织,firstExtent和lastExtent分别对应extent的首尾指针DiskLoc firstExtent;  DiskLoc lastExtent;// 有若干种(26种)按照最小尺寸划分的freelist,// 表中删除掉的行对应的数据块放到freelist中,按照数据块的尺寸划分为若干规则的freelist。DiskLoc deletedListSmall[SmallBuckets];// 兼容旧版本mmap引擎的废弃字段DiskLoc deletedListLegacyGrabBag;// 该表是否是capped,capped-table是ring-buffer类型的table,MongoDB中用来存放oplogint isCapped;// 和deletedListSmall字段一样,都是freelist的一部分,只是大小不同DiskLoc deletedListLarge[LargeBuckets];}





每张表由若干extent组成,每个extent为一块连续的内存区域(也即连续的硬盘区域),由firstExtent 和 lastExtent 记录首尾位置,每个extent的结构为

/*extents are datafile regions where all the records within the region belong to the same namespace.*/struct Extent {    DiskLoc myLoc;    DiskLoc xnext; //双向链表中前节点指针    DiskLoc xprev; //双向链表中后节点指针    Namespace nsDiagnstic;    int length;    // 一个Record对应表中的一行,每个extent在物理上由若干地址连续的    // Record组成,但是这些record在逻辑上的前后关系并不等价于物理上    // 的前后关系,first/last Record维护了逻辑上的先后关系,在维护游    // 表迭代时使用    DiskLoc firstRecord;    DiskLoc lastRecord;    char _extentData[4];}


Extent 的分配与回收由ExtentManger管理,ExtentManager 首先尝试从已有文件中分配一个满足条件的连续块,如果没有找到,则生成一个新的{dbname}.i 的文件。

143 void DataFile::open(OperationContext* txn,                                                       144                     const char* filename,                                                         145                     int minSize,                                                                 146                     bool preallocateOnly) {                                                       147     long size = _defaultSize();                                                                   148                                                                                                   149     while (size < minSize) {                                                                     150         if (size < maxSize() / 2) {                                                               151             size *= 2;                                                                           152         } else {                                                                                 153             size = maxSize();                                                                     154             break;                                                                               155         }                                                                                         156     }                                                                                             157                                                                                                   158     if (size > maxSize()) {                                                                       159         size = maxSize();                                                                         160     }                                                                                             161                                                                                                   162     invariant(size >= 64 * 1024 * 1024 || mmapv1GlobalOptions.smallfiles);

文件的大小 {dbname}.0的大小默认为64MB。 之后每次新建会扩大一倍,以maxSize(默认为2GB)为上限。




107         for (myBucket = bucket(lenToAlloc); myBucket < Buckets; myBucket++) {108             // Only look at the first entry in each bucket. This works because we are either109             // quantizing or allocating fixed-size blocks.110             const DiskLoc head = _details->deletedListEntry(myBucket);111             if (head.isNull())112                 continue;113             DeletedRecord* const candidate = drec(head);114             if (candidate->lengthWithHeaders() >= lenToAlloc) {115                 loc = head;116                 dr = candidate;117                 break;118             }119         }


133     const int remainingLength = dr->lengthWithHeaders() - lenToAlloc;134     if (remainingLength >= bucketSizes[0]) {135         txn->recoveryUnit()->writingInt(dr->lengthWithHeaders()) = lenToAlloc;136         const DiskLoc newDelLoc = DiskLoc(loc.a(), loc.getOfs() + lenToAlloc);137         DeletedRecord* newDel = txn->recoveryUnit()->writing(drec(newDelLoc));138         newDel->extentOfs() = dr->extentOfs();       139         newDel->lengthWithHeaders() = remainingLength;140         newDel->nextDeleted().Null();141         142         addDeletedRec(txn, newDelLoc);143     }



 59 const int RecordStoreV1Base::bucketSizes[] = {  ... 83     MaxAllowedAllocation,      // 16.5M 84     MaxAllowedAllocation + 1,  // Only MaxAllowedAllocation sized records go here. 85     INT_MAX,                   // "oversized" bucket for unused parts of extents. 86 }; 87





  1. orphanDeletedList 过程
    将collection 对应的namespace 下的deletedlist 置空,这样新创建的record就不会分配到已有的extent。

    443         WriteUnitOfWork wunit(txn);444         // Orphaning the deleted lists ensures that all inserts go to new extents rather than445         // the ones that existed before starting the compact. If we abort the operation before446         // completion, any free space in the old extents will be leaked and never reused unless447         // the collection is compacted again or dropped. This is considered an acceptable448         // failure mode as no data will be lost.449         log() << "compact orphan deleted lists" << endl;450         _details->orphanDeletedList(txn);

  2. 对于每个extent,每个extent记录了首尾record,遍历所有record,并将record插入到新的extent中,新的extent在插入时由于空间不足而自动分配(参考上面的过程),extent重新设置从最小size开始增长。

    452     // Start over from scratch with our extent sizing and growth453     _details->setLastExtentSize(txn, 0);454455     // create a new extent so new records go there456     increaseStorageSize(txn, _details->lastExtentSize(txn), true);467     for (std::vector::iterator it = extents.begin(); it != extents.end(); it++) {468         txn->checkForInterrupt();469         invariant(_details->firstExtent(txn) == *it);470         // empties and removes the first extent471         _compactExtent(txn, *it, extentNumber++, adaptor, options, stats);472         invariant(_details->firstExtent(txn) != *it);473         pm.hit();474     }

  3. 在_compactExtent的过程中,该extent的record逐渐被插入到新的extent里,空间逐步释放,当全部record都清理完后,该extent又变成崭新的,没有使用过的extent了。如下图

    324         while (!nextSourceLoc.isNull()) {325             txn->checkForInterrupt();326327             WriteUnitOfWork wunit(txn);328             MmapV1RecordHeader* recOld = recordFor(nextSourceLoc);329             RecordData oldData = recOld->toRecordData();330             nextSourceLoc = getNextRecordInExtent(txn, nextSourceLoc);371             CompactDocWriter writer(recOld, rawDataSize, allocationSize);372             StatusWith status = insertRecordWithDocWriter(txn, &writer);398             _details->incrementStats(txn, -(recOld->netLength()), -1);          }



上面我们介绍.ns文件结构时谈到.ns文件是通过mmap 映射到内存中的一个hashtable上,这个映射过程是通过DurableMappedFile 实现的。我们看下该模块是如何做持久化的
在mmap 引擎的 finishInit中

252 void MMAPV1Engine::finishInit() {253     dataFileSync.go();

这里调用 DataFileSync类的定时任务,在backgroud线程中定期落盘

 67     while (!inShutdown()) { 69         if (storageGlobalParams.syncdelay == 0) { 70             // in case at some point we add an option to change at runtime 71             sleepsecs(5); 72             continue; 73         } 74 75         sleepmillis( 76             (long long)std::max(0.0, (storageGlobalParams.syncdelay * 1000) - time_flushing)); 83         Date_t start = jsTime(); 84         StorageEngine* storageEngine = getGlobalServiceContext()->getGlobalStorageEngine(); 85 86         dur::notifyPreDataFileFlush(); 87         int numFiles = storageEngine->flushAllFiles(true); 88         dur::notifyPostDataFileFlush(); 97         } 98     }


245 void MemoryMappedFile::flush(bool sync) {                                                         246     if (views.empty() || fd == 0 || !sync)                                                       247         return;                                                                                   248                                                                                                   249     bool useFsync = !ProcessInfo::preferMsyncOverFSync();                                         250                                                                                                   251     if (useFsync ? fsync(fd) != 0 : msync(viewForFlushing(), len, MS_SYNC) != 0) {               252         // msync failed, this is very bad                                                         253         log() << (useFsync ? "fsync failed: " : "msync failed: ") << errnoWithDescription()       254               << " file: " << filename() << endl;                                                 255         dataSyncFailedHandler();                                                                 256     }                                                                                             257 }
fsync vs msync

不管调用fsync 还是msync落盘,我们的预期都是内核会高效的查找出数据中的脏页执行写回,但是根据https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-14129 以及下面的代码注释中
在有些操作系统上(比如SmartOS与 Solaris的某些版本), msync并不能高效的寻找脏页,因此mmap引擎在这里对操作系统区别对待了。

208         // On non-Solaris (ie, Linux, Darwin, *BSD) kernels, prefer msync.209         // Illumos kernels do O(N) scans in memory of the page table during msync which210         // causes high CPU, Oracle Solaris 11.2 and later modified ZFS to workaround mongodb211         // Oracle Solaris Bug:                                                                   212         //  18658199 Speed up msync() on ZFS by 90000x with this one weird trick213         bool preferMsyncOverFSync;

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