
oracle 11g dataguard中dgmgrl怎么用

发表于:2025-02-03 作者:千家信息网编辑
千家信息网最后更新 2025年02月03日,小编给大家分享一下oracle 11g dataguard中dgmgrl怎么用,相信大部分人都还不怎么了解,因此分享这篇文章给大家参考一下,希望大家阅读完这篇文章后大有收获,下面让我们一起去了解一下吧
千家信息网最后更新 2025年02月03日oracle 11g dataguard中dgmgrl怎么用

小编给大家分享一下oracle 11g dataguard中dgmgrl怎么用,相信大部分人都还不怎么了解,因此分享这篇文章给大家参考一下,希望大家阅读完这篇文章后大有收获,下面让我们一起去了解一下吧!

1 启用dgmgrl

alter system set dg_broker_start=true scope=both;

[oracle@12crac2 ~]$ ps -ef|grep -i _dmon|grep -v greporacle     2699      1  0 06:57 ?        00:00:01 ora_dmon_db1


DGMGRL> show configurationORA-16532: Data Guard broker configuration does not exist


DGMGRL> help create DGMGRL> create configuration 'db' as primary database is db connect identifier is db;DGMGRL>help addDGMGRL>add database "SBDB1" as connect identifier is "sbdb1"  maintained as physical;DGMGRL>enable configuration

注:add database 'SBDB1' ,这里的dg是指database的dbuniquename,而as connect identifier is sbdb1这里的sbdb1是指tnsname.ora连接到standby database的net service name.注意区分大小,默认为小写;

RSM0 started with pid=48, OS id=34551 ALTER SYSTEM SET log_archive_dest_1='location=USE_DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST','valid_for=(ALL_LOGFILES, ALL_ROLES)' SCOPE=BOTH;ALTER SYSTEM SET log_archive_trace=0 SCOPE=BOTH SID='db1';ALTER SYSTEM SET log_archive_format='%t_%s_%r.dbf' SCOPE=SPFILE SID='db1';ALTER SYSTEM SET standby_file_management='AUTO' SCOPE=BOTH SID='*';ALTER SYSTEM SET archive_lag_target=0 SCOPE=BOTH SID='*';ALTER SYSTEM SET log_archive_max_processes=4 SCOPE=BOTH SID='*';ALTER SYSTEM SET log_archive_min_succeed_dest=1 SCOPE=BOTH SID='*';


Creating Data Guard Broker Monitor Process (DMON)04/03/2018 23:26:33>> Starting Data Guard Broker bootstrap <

二 检查配置:

DGMGRL> show database sbdb1Object "sbdb1" was not foundDGMGRL> show database SBDB1  Object "sbdb1" was not found


DGMGRL> show database 'SBDB1' Database - SBDB1   Role:            PHYSICAL STANDBY  Intended State:  APPLY-ON  Transport Lag:   0 seconds (computed 0 seconds ago)  Apply Lag:       0 seconds (computed 0 seconds ago)  Apply Rate:      0 Byte/s  Real Time Query: ON  Instance(s):    SBDB1 Database Status:SUCCESS

三 相关测试:snapshot standby,switchover
3.1不开database flashback on 测试

DGMGRL> convert database 'SBDB1' to snapshot standby;Converting database "SBDB1" to a Snapshot Standby database, please wait...Database "SBDB1" converted successfully


SQL> select open_mode, database_role, protection_mode,flashback_on from v$database; OPEN_MODE            DATABASE_ROLE    PROTECTION_MODE      FLASHBACK_ON-------------------- ---------------- -------------------- ------------------READ WRITE           SNAPSHOT STANDBY MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE  **RESTORE POINT ONLY**SQL> truncate table system.test; Table truncated. SQL> select count(*) from system.test;   COUNT(*)----------         0               DGMGRL>convet database 'SBDB1' to physical standby;Unable to connect to databaseORA-12545: Connect failed because target host or object does not exist Failed.Warning: You are no longer connected to ORACLE. Please complete the following steps and reissue the CONVERT command:        shut down instance "SBDB1" of database "SBDB1"        start up and mount instance "SBDB1" of database "SBDB1"


ALTER DATABASE CONVERT TO PHYSICAL STANDBY (SBDB1)Killing 3 processes with pids 3013,3017,3019 (all RFS) in order to disallow current and future RFS connections. Requested by OS process 3025Flashback Restore StartFlashback Restore CompleteDrop guaranteed restore point Guaranteed restore point  droppedClearing standby activation ID 1736364983 (0x677ed3b7)The primary database controlfile was created using the'MAXLOGFILES 192' clause.There is space for up to 188 standby redo logfilesUse the following SQL commands on the standby database to createstandby redo logfiles that match the primary database:ALTER DATABASE ADD STANDBY LOGFILE 'srl1.f' SIZE 52428800;ALTER DATABASE ADD STANDBY LOGFILE 'srl2.f' SIZE 52428800;ALTER DATABASE ADD STANDBY LOGFILE 'srl3.f' SIZE 52428800;ALTER DATABASE ADD STANDBY LOGFILE 'srl4.f' SIZE 52428800;ALTER DATABASE ADD STANDBY LOGFILE 'srl5.f' SIZE 52428800;Waiting for all non-current ORLs to be archived...All non-current ORLs have been archived.Clearing online redo logfile 1 /u01/app/oracle/oradata/SBDB1/SBDB1/onlinelog/o1_mf_1_fd4wmho5_.logClearing online log 1 of thread 1 sequence number 3Clearing online redo logfile 1 completeClearing online redo logfile 2 /u01/app/oracle/oradata/SBDB1/SBDB1/onlinelog/o1_mf_2_fd4wmjq3_.logClearing online log 2 of thread 1 sequence number 4Clearing online redo logfile 2 completeCompleted: alter database convert to physical standbyWed Apr 04 01:15:50 2018Primary database is in MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE modeRFS[3]: Assigned to RFS process 3029RFS[3]: Selected log 5 for thread 1 sequence 70 dbid 1729483220 branch 965667412Wed Apr 04 01:16:11 2018RFS[4]: Assigned to RFS process 3031RFS[4]: Selected log 6 for thread 1 sequence 69 dbid 1729483220 branch 965667412Wed Apr 04 01:16:11 2018Expanded controlfile section 11 from 28 to 203 recordsRequested to grow by 175 records; added 7 blocks of recordsArchived Log entry 29 added for thread 1 sequence 69 ID 0x6715d4d4 dest 1:Wed Apr 04 01:16:13 2018ARC2: Becoming the active heartbeat ARCHWed Apr 04 01:17:13 2018alter database openData Guard Broker initializing...

最后一步会假死一下,没关系,直接shutdown abort,再启动,就可以了;由于dgmgrl的存在,他会自动补上命令,如下图所示:

SQL> select open_mode, database_role, protection_mode,flashback_on from v$database; OPEN_MODE            DATABASE_ROLE    PROTECTION_MODE      FLASHBACK_ON-------------------- ---------------- -------------------- ------------------READ ONLY WITH APPLY PHYSICAL STANDBY MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE  NOSQL> select count(*) from system.test;   COUNT(*)----------     15386


DGMGRL> show database verbose 'SBDB1'; Database - SBDB1   Role:            PHYSICAL STANDBY  Intended State:  APPLY-ON  Transport Lag:   0 seconds (computed 1 second ago)  Apply Lag:       0 seconds (computed 1 second ago)  Apply Rate:      0 Byte/s  Real Time Query: ON

3.2 启用Fast start failover

DGMGRL> enable fast_start failoverError: ORA-16651: requirements not met for enabling fast-start failoverFailed.DGMGRL> exit[oracle@12crac2 ~]$ oerr ora 1665116651, 0000, "requirements not met for enabling fast-start failover"// *Cause:  The attempt to enable fast-start failover could not be completed//          because one or more requirements were not met://          - The Data Guard configuration must be in either MaxAvailability//            or MaxPerformance protection mode.//          - The LogXptMode property for both the primary database and//            the fast-start failover target standby database must be//            set to SYNC if the configuration protection mode is set to//            MaxAvailability mode.//          - The LogXptMode property for both the primary database and//            the fast-start failover target standby database must be//            set to ASYNC if the configuration protection mode is set to//            MaxPerformance mode.//          - The primary database and the fast-start failover target standby//            database must both have flashback enabled.//          - No valid target standby database was specified in the primary//            database FastStartFailoverTarget property prior to the attempt//            to enable fast-start failover, and more than one standby//            database exists in the Data Guard configuration.

1确保broker配置为运行在Max Availability模式。
2在primary和standby机器上都启用flashback database,这个在reinstate failed的数据库的时候要用。

启用database flashback 再次enable:

DGMGRL> enable fast_start failoverEnabled.DGMGRL> show configuration Configuration - db   Protection Mode: MaxAvailability  Databases:    db    - Primary database      Warning: ORA-16819: fast-start failover observer not started     SBDB1 - (*) Physical standby database      Warning: ORA-16819: fast-start failover observer not started Fast-Start Failover: ENABLED Configuration Status:WARNING
[oracle@12crac2 ~]$ oerr ora 1681916819, 0000, "fast-start failover observer not started"// *Cause:  The observer for fast-start failover was not started. As a//          result, fast-start failover could not happen in the case of//          a primary database failure.// *Action: Start the fast-start failover observer by using, for example, the//          DGMGRL START OBSERVER command.


DGMGRL> start observerObserver started


DGMGRL> show configuration Configuration - db   Protection Mode: MaxAvailability  Databases:    db    - Primary database    SBDB1 - (*) Physical standby database Fast-Start Failover: ENABLED Configuration Status:SUCCESS

3.3 switchover
手工switchover 步骤:https://blog.51cto.com/snowhill/1951592
现在更简化下,用dgmgrl只需一个命令:SWITCHOVER TO ;

DGMGRL> switchover to 'SBDB1';Performing switchover NOW, please wait...Operation requires a connection to instance "SBDB1" on database "SBDB1"Connecting to instance "SBDB1"...Connected.New primary database "SBDB1" is opening...Operation requires startup of instance "db1" on database "db"Starting instance "db1"...Unable to connect to databaseORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptorFailed.Warning: You are no longer connected to ORACLE.Please complete the following steps to finish switchover:        start up instance "db1" of database "db"


DGMGRL> show configuration Configuration - db   Protection Mode: MaxAvailability  Databases:    SBDB1 - Primary database    db    - (*) Physical standby database Fast-Start Failover: ENABLED Configuration Status:SUCCESS


DGMGRL> switchover to dbPerforming switchover NOW, please wait...Operation requires a connection to instance "db1" on database "db"Connecting to instance "db1"...Connected.New primary database "db" is opening...Operation requires startup of instance "SBDB1" on database "SBDB1"Starting instance "SBDB1"...


四 dgmgrl 调整参数:
edit database 'SBDB1' set property DelayMins=1 ;

ALTER SYSTEM SET log_archive_dest_2='service="sbdb1"','LGWR ASYNC NOAFFIRM delay=1 optional compression=disable max_failure=0 max_connections=1 reopen=300 db_unique_name="SBDB1" net_timeout=30','valid_for=(all_logfiles,primary_role)' SCOPE=BOTH;ALTER SYSTEM SWITCH ALL LOGFILE start (db1)ALTER SYSTEM SWITCH ALL LOGFILE complete (db1)

edit database 'SBDB1' set property LogXptMode=sync;
ALTER SYSTEM SET log_archive_dest_2='service="sbdb1"','LGWR SYNC AFFIRM delay=1 optional compression=disable max_failure=0 max_connections=1 reopen=300 db_unique_name="SBDB1" net_timeout=30','valid_for=(all_logfiles,primary_role)' SCOPE=BOTH;
五 相关报错处理

5.1 ora-16541

 DGMGRL> show configuration ORA-16541: database is not enabled


[oracle@12crac1 dbs]$ oerr ora 1654116541, 00000, "database is not enabled"// *Cause:  The database specified in the request was not enabled.// *Action: Select an enabled database and reissue the request.


DGMGRL> show configurationConfiguration - db   Protection Mode: MaxAvailability  Databases:    db    - Primary database      Warning: ORA-16792: configurable property value is inconsistent with database setting     SBDB1 - Physical standby database      Warning: ORA-16792: configurable property value is inconsistent with database setting Fast-Start Failover: DISABLED

此错误为参数与dgmgrl 里的不一致引起,检查启用dg broker之后的配置,发现更改改了log_file_name_convert,db_file_name_convert引起,在另一个节点做如下配置就可以了

DGMGRL> edit database db set property LogFileNameConvert='/u01/app/oracle/oradata/SBDB1/,+data';Property "logfilenameconvert" updatedDGMGRL> edit database db set property DbFileNameConvert='/u01/app/oracle/oradata/SBDB1/,+data';Property "dbfilenameconvert" updatedDGMGRL> edit database 'SBDB1' set property DbFileNameConvert='+data,/u01/app/oracle/oradata/SBDB1/';Property "dbfilenameconvert" updatedDGMGRL> edit database 'SBDB1' set property LogFileNameConvert='+data,/u01/app/oracle/oradata/SBDB1/';Property "logfilenameconvert" updatedDGMGRL> enable configurationDGMGRL> show configuration Configuration - db   Protection Mode: MaxAvailability  Databases:    db    - Primary database    SBDB1 - Physical standby database Fast-Start Failover: DISABLED Configuration Status:SUCCESS

5.2 ora-16820

DGMGRL> show configuration
Configuration - db
Protection Mode: MaxAvailability
SBDB1 - Primary database
Error: ORA-16820: fast-start failover observer is no longer observing this database
db - (*) Physical standby database
Error: ORA-16820: fast-start failover observer is no longer observing this database
Fast-Start Failover: ENABLED
Configuration Status:

此错误比较扯淡,stop observer,start observer就可以了;

5.3 ora-16661

启用fast failover后,非正常关闭两个节点,再次启动数据库,一般会出现两个节点都是primary 的情况,这时启动dgmgrl会报:

DGMGRL> show configuration
Configuration - db
Protection Mode: MaxAvailability
SBDB1 - Primary database
Error: ORA-16820: fast-start failover observer is no longer observing this database
db - (*) Physical standby database (disabled)
ORA-16661: the standby database needs to be reinstated
Fast-Start Failover: ENABLED

Configuration Status:
SQL> alter database open;
alter database open
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-16649: possible failover to another database prevents this database from
being opened
SQL> select database_role,FLASHBACK_ON from v$database;



DGMGRL> show configuration
ORA-16795: the standby database needs to be re-created
看到此错误也别真去recreated standby,在确认你的配置上没有问题后,直接在另外一个节点:
DGMGRL> reinstate database db
Reinstating database "db", please wait...
Reinstatement of database "db" succeeded
这时后启动的节点会变成physical standby,再次stop observer,start observer就可以了;

5.4 Error: ORA-16525: the Data Guard broker is not yet available
5.5 ORA-16797: database is not using a server parameter file

5.6 ora-16610 主库或者备库的dg_broker_config_file_1/2参数设置不对

 DGMGRL> show configurationConfiguration - 1  Protection Mode: MaxPerformance  Databases:    prod2   - Primary database    standby - Physical standby databaseFast-Start Failover: DISABLEDConfiguration Status:ORA-16610: command "Broker operation" in progressDGM-17017: unable to determine configuration status


drcx: cannot open configuration file "/home/oracle/broker/standby2.data"  ORA-27037: unable to obtain file status  Linux-x86_64 Error: 2: No such file or directory  Additional information: 308/02/2018 10:52:38drcx: cannot open configuration file "/home/oracle/broker/standby1.dat"  ORA-27037: unable to obtain file status  Linux-x86_64 Error: 2: No such file or directory  Additional information: 3DMON Registering service standby_DGB with listener(s)08/02/2018 10:52:41


dgmgrl>disable configuration;sql>alter system set dg_broker_start=false;sys@standby>alter system set dg_broker_config_file1='/home/oracle/broker/standby1.dat';  sys@standby>alter system set dg_broker_config_file2='/home/oracle/broker/standby2.dat'; DGMGRL> enable configurationDGMGRL> show configuration Configuration - 1   Protection Mode: MaxPerformance  Databases:    prod2   - Primary database    standby - Physical standby database Fast-Start Failover: DISABLED Configuration Status:SUCCESS

以上是"oracle 11g dataguard中dgmgrl怎么用"这篇文章的所有内容,感谢各位的阅读!相信大家都有了一定的了解,希望分享的内容对大家有所帮助,如果还想学习更多知识,欢迎关注行业资讯频道!

配置 数据 数据库 节点 检查 参数 错误 一致 再次 命令 大小 手动 篇文章 调整 不对 不怎么 不用 两个 内容 就是 数据库的安全要保护哪些东西 数据库安全各自的含义是什么 生产安全数据库录入 数据库的安全性及管理 数据库安全策略包含哪些 海淀数据库安全审计系统 建立农村房屋安全信息数据库 易用的数据库客户端支持安全管理 连接数据库失败ssl安全错误 数据库的锁怎样保障安全 深圳云引擎网络技术有限公司 服务器故障代码r52 北京星姿互联网科技有限公司 天津浪潮服务器虚拟化设计服务器 网银转账说数据库表插入错误 方舟服务器地区买错了影响吗 宁夏网络安全大赛 以色列特拉维夫网络安全 山东计算机网络技术专业代码 上海初级软件开发招聘信息 浙江智慧团建软件开发公司 最强蜗牛各渠道服服务器名字 学软件开发的考什么证比较好 二级等保需要哪些网络安全设备 分析地图poi数据库 河南哪个大学有软件开发 黄浦区智能化软件开发服务收费 软件开发 接收应届毕业生 投ACS数据库用什么浏览器 手机软件开发与自学 微博系统数据库 软件开发 环境因素 oracle 本地数据库 菜鸟网络技术部技术质量部 兰州推理服务器 舆情分析技术图数据库 高价回收二手服务器 数据库逻辑语言怎么写 usb服务器小凡w 战网连接不上暴雪服务器