
Hyperledger Fabric如何实现基于ubuntu系统部署网络

发表于:2025-02-06 作者:千家信息网编辑
千家信息网最后更新 2025年02月06日,这篇文章主要为大家展示了"Hyperledger Fabric如何实现基于ubuntu系统部署网络",内容简而易懂,条理清晰,希望能够帮助大家解决疑惑,下面让小编带领大家一起研究并学习一下"Hyper
千家信息网最后更新 2025年02月06日Hyperledger Fabric如何实现基于ubuntu系统部署网络

这篇文章主要为大家展示了"Hyperledger Fabric如何实现基于ubuntu系统部署网络",内容简而易懂,条理清晰,希望能够帮助大家解决疑惑,下面让小编带领大家一起研究并学习一下"Hyperledger Fabric如何实现基于ubuntu系统部署网络"这篇文章吧。

Hyperledger Composer 网络要素

Business Network Definition

在我们动手执行代码之前,先来了解一下Business Network Definition的概念。因为这个概念贯穿在这个网络系统中。BND为区块链定义了 数据模型, 交易逻辑 和 访问控制规则 。我们可以部署bna包到Fabric网络,为了生成bna,我们需要提前生成:

  • a set of model files

  • a set of JavaScript files

  • an Access Control file



那我们就动手搭建,并且部署一个网络。 下面的代码执行于ubuntu系统。


Setp 1 创建一个business network应用


amy@amy-wu:~/pg/sandbox/bnd$ yo hyperledger-composer:businessnetworkWelcome to the business network generator? Business network name: tutorial-network? Description: Here is a hello world example? Author name:  Amy Wu? Author email: AmyWu@123abc.com? License: Apache-2.0? Namespace: org.example.biznet? Do you want to generate an empty template network? No: generate a populated sample network   create package.json   create README.md   create models/org.example.biznet.cto   create permissions.acl   create .eslintrc.yml   create features/sample.feature   create features/support/index.js   create test/logic.js   create lib/logic.jsamy@amy-wu:~/pg/sandbox/bnd$


amy@amy-wu:~/pg/sandbox/bnd$ tree.└── tutorial-network    ├── features    │   ├── sample.feature    │   └── support    │       └── index.js    ├── lib    │   └── logic.js    ├── models    │   └── org.example.biznet.cto    ├── package.json    ├── permissions.acl    ├── README.md    └── test        └── logic.js6 directories, 8 filesamy@amy-wu:~/pg/sandbox/bnd$


Setp 2** 查看 org.example.biznet.cto 和 permission.acl**

org.example.biznet.cto 定义了网络里面的参与方,资产等信息

permission.acl 定义了访问权限


Setp 3 打包生成bna包

(1)cd到 /tutorial-network 目录下


升级Fabric Composer版本

  • 错误提示

Cannot use v0.16.6 version of composer with fabric 1.1, v0.19 or higher is required
  • 确认版本

composer -vv0.19.10
  • 卸载现有版本

npm uninstall -g composer-clinpm uninstall -g composer-rest-servernpm uninstall -g generator-hyperledger-composer
  • 重新安装最新版本版本

npm install -g composer-clinpm install -g composer-rest-servernpm install -g generator-hyperledger-composeramy@amy-wu:~/pg/sandbox/bnd/tutorial-network$ composer archive create -t dir -n .Creating Business Network ArchiveLooking for package.json of Business Network Definition    Input directory: /home/amy/pg/sandbox/bnd/tutorial-networkFound:    Description: Here is a hello world example    Name: tutorial-network    Identifier: tutorial-network@0.0.1Written Business Network Definition Archive file to     Output file: tutorial-network@0.0.1.bnaCommand succeeded


amy@amy-wu:~/pg/sandbox/bnd$ tree.└── tutorial-network    ├── features    │   ├── sample.feature    │   └── support    │       └── index.js    ├── lib    │   └── logic.js    ├── models    │   └── org.example.biznet.cto    ├── package.json    ├── permissions.acl    ├── README.md    ├── test    │   └── logic.js    └── tutorial-network@0.0.1.bna 新生成的文件6 directories, 9 files


Setp 4 部署business network



mkdir fabric-dev-servers && cd fabric-dev-serverscurl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hyperledger/composer-tools/master/packages/fabric-dev-servers/fabric-dev-servers.zipunzip fabric-dev-servers.zip


cd fabric-dev-servers./downloadFabric.sh./startFabric.sh./createPeerAdminCard.sh


./stopFabric.sh ./teardownFabric.sh


amy@amy-wu:~/pg/sandbox/bnd/tutorial-network$ composer network install --card PeerAdmin@hlfv1 --archiveFile tutorial-network@0.0.1.bna✔ Installing business network. This may take a minute...Successfully installed business network tutorial-network, version 0.0.1Command succeededamy@amy-wu:~/pg/sandbox/bnd/tutorial-network$

(5)查看docker containers

docker container lsCONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                     COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                            NAMES27b30f42cc5e        hyperledger/fabric-peer:x86_64-1.1.0      "peer node start"        5 minutes ago       Up 5 minutes>7051/tcp,>7053/tcp   peer0.org1.example.com2f62650005f4        hyperledger/fabric-orderer:x86_64-1.1.0   "orderer"                5 minutes ago       Up 5 minutes>7050/tcp                           orderer.example.com96ec8b462e0e        hyperledger/fabric-couchdb:x86_64-0.4.6   "tini -- /docker-ent…"   5 minutes ago       Up 5 minutes        4369/tcp, 9100/tcp,>5984/tcp       couchdbecd55c74cb76        hyperledger/fabric-ca:x86_64-1.1.0        "sh -c 'fabric-ca-se…"   5 minutes ago       Up 5 minutes>7054/tcp                           ca.org1.example.com


amy@amy-wu:~/pg/sandbox/bnd/tutorial-network$ composer network start --networkName tutorial-network --networkVersion 0.0.1 --networkAdmin admin --networkAdminEnrollSecret adminpw --card PeerAdmin@hlfv1 --file networkadmin.cardStarting business network tutorial-network at version 0.0.1Processing these Network Admins:     userName: admin✔ Starting business network definition. This may take a minute...Successfully created business network card:    Filename: networkadmin.cardCommand succeeded


amy@amy-wu:~/pg/sandbox/bnd/tutorial-network$ composer card import --file networkadmin.cardSuccessfully imported business network card    Card file: networkadmin.card    Card name: admin@tutorial-networkCommand succeeded


amy@amy-wu:~/pg/sandbox/bnd/tutorial-network$ composer network ping --card admin@tutorial-networkThe connection to the network was successfully tested: tutorial-network    Business network version: 0.0.1    Composer runtime version: 0.19.10    participant: org.hyperledger.composer.system.NetworkAdmin#admin    identity: org.hyperledger.composer.system.Identity#d9e43201ca1bcc328e0e81ceaf96caf4f113019f41d26d292699151a50d0a3acCommand succeeded


Setp 5 生成REST server

amy@amy-wu:~$ composer-rest-server? Enter the name of the business network card to use: admin@tutorial-network? Specify if you want namespaces in the generated REST API: never use namespaces? Specify if you want to use an API key to secure the REST API: No? Specify if you want to enable authentication for the REST API using Passport: Yes? Specify if you want to enable multiple user and identity management using wallets: No? Specify if you want to enable event publication over WebSockets: Yes? Specify if you want to enable TLS security for the REST API: NoTo restart the REST server using the same options, issue the following command:   composer-rest-server -c admin@tutorial-network -n never -a true -w trueDiscovering types from business network definition ...Discovered types from business network definitionGenerating schemas for all types in business network definition ...Generated schemas for all types in business network definitionAdding schemas for all types to Loopback ...Added schemas for all types to LoopbackWeb server listening at: http://localhost:3000Browse your REST API at http://localhost:3000/explorer



Setp 6 生成应用

amy@amy-wu:~/pg/sandbox/bnd/tutorial-network$ yo hyperledger-composer:angularWelcome to the Hyperledger Composer Angular project generator? Do you want to connect to a running Business Network? Yes? Project name: angular-app? Description: Hyperledger Composer Angular project? Author name: Amy WU? Author email: 123@gmail.com? License: Apache-2.0? Name of the Business Network card: admin@tutorial-network? Do you want to generate a new REST API or connect to an existing REST API?  Connect to an existing REST API? REST server address: http://localhost? REST server port: 3000? Should namespaces be used in the generated REST API? Namespaces are not usedCreated application!Completed generation process   create app.jsBinary found at /home/amy/pg/sandbox/bnd/tutorial-network/angular-app/node_modules/node-sass/vendor/linux-x64-59/binding.nodeTesting binaryBinary is finenpm notice created a lockfile as package-lock.json. You should commit this file.npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: fsevents@1.2.4 (node_modules/fsevents):npm WARN notsup SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: Unsupported platform for fsevents@1.2.4: wanted {"os":"darwin","arch":"any"} (current: {"os":"linux","arch":"x64"})added 1162 packages in 145.973sApplication generated


amy@amy-wu:~/pg/sandbox/bnd/tutorial-network/angular-app$ npm start> angular-app@0.0.1 start /home/amy/pg/sandbox/bnd/tutorial-network/angular-app> ng serve --proxy-config proxy.conf.js --host** NG Live Development Server is running on ** 10% building modules 4/4 modules 0 active[HPM] Proxy created: [ '/auth', '/api' ]  ->  http://localhost:3000[HPM] Proxy created: /  ->  http://localhost:3000Hash: a0d3dc89fcbecd8aa802 Time: 12249mschunk    {0} polyfills.bundle.js, polyfills.bundle.js.map (polyfills) 270 kB {5} [initial] [rendered]chunk    {1} main.bundle.js, main.bundle.js.map (main) 101 kB {4} [initial] [rendered]chunk    {2} styles.bundle.js, styles.bundle.js.map (styles) 184 kB {5} [initial] [rendered]chunk    {3} scripts.bundle.js, scripts.bundle.js.map (scripts) 439 kB {5} [initial] [rendered]chunk    {4} vendor.bundle.js, vendor.bundle.js.map (vendor) 4.12 MB [initial] [rendered]chunk    {5} inline.bundle.js, inline.bundle.js.map (inline) 0 bytes [entry] [rendered]webpack: Compiled successfully.


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网络 生成 系统 文件 应用 内容 版本 篇文章 代码 时候 概念 学习 帮助 区块 参与方 命令 指令 数据 新生 易懂 数据库的安全要保护哪些东西 数据库安全各自的含义是什么 生产安全数据库录入 数据库的安全性及管理 数据库安全策略包含哪些 海淀数据库安全审计系统 建立农村房屋安全信息数据库 易用的数据库客户端支持安全管理 连接数据库失败ssl安全错误 数据库的锁怎样保障安全 深圳纺织外贸软件开发公司 网络安全注意事项100字 做店群选哪个云服务器比较好 NoSQL数据库原理侯宾答案 云南超频服务器技术参数 组织胚胎学的数据库 国家网络安全宣传题库多选 连接不到远程服务器 毕业设计查重数据库 wifi是一种无线网络技术 最终幻想14登录失去服务器 网络安全中个人数据的正确说法 数据库技术人员能干多少岁 网络技术岗需要什么样的人 xbox切服务器游戏打不开了 计算机网络技术网际实验报告 华为服务器安全策略 网络安全演讲演讲分为几点 移动计算算法与网络安全会议 最好的服务器安全软件 智能医疗器械硬软件开发设计 视频云管理服务器套什么定额 数据库驾驶员表 物联网网络安全研究院 IPTV监测监管及网络安全 子域服务器 天美对服务器崩塌的补偿 微众创互联网科技有限公司 丰台区网络技术诚信服务 switch 2k 连接服务器