#!/usr/bin/python # MySQL主从集中监控脚本 # 请在MySQL上执行如下语句,将跑脚本的机器授权一个db_monitor账号。 # grant SHOW VIEW,REPLICATION CLIENT,SHOW DATABASES,PROCESS on *.* to db_monitor@''; import MySQLdb import os import datetime # 发送一个字符串告警,公司特有告警系统,可以改成其他监控方式,比如短信或邮件 def report_alarm(attr, err_msg): os.system('/usr/local/agenttools/agent/agentRepStr %s "%s" >/dev/null' % (attr, err_msg)) # 上报一个数值型告警,也是特有告警系统 def send_repnum(attr, num): os.system('/usr/local/agenttools/agent/agentRepNum %s "%s" >/dev/null' % (attr ,num) ) def monitor(db_host): try: cxn=MySQLdb.connect(db_host, 'db_monitor', '', db='mysql') except MySQLdb.Error, e: try: sqlError = "Error %d:%s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1]) except IndexError: sqlError = "MySQL Error:%s" % str(e) report_alarm(36320, sqlError) #get mysql version cur=cxn.cursor() cur.execute('select version()') for item in cur.fetchall(): if '5.0.' in item[0]: mysql_version = 'low' else: mysql_version = 'high' #show slave status cur=cxn.cursor() cur.execute('show slave status') for item in cur.fetchall(): replicate_error = item[19] if mysql_version == 'low': seconds_behind_master = item[-1] else: seconds_behind_master = item[32] #show processlist cur=cxn.cursor() cur.execute('show processlist') connect_num = len(cur.fetchall()) meta_lock_num = cur.fetchall().count("meta lock") cxn.close() return replicate_error,seconds_behind_master,connect_num,meta_lock_num print datetime.datetime.now() for host in open('%s/hosts.list'% os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))): host = host.strip('\n') replicate_error = '' seconds_behind_master = 0 connect_num = 0 meta_lock_num = 0 replicate_error,seconds_behind_master,connect_num,meta_lock_num = monitor(host) try: Seconds_behind_master = int(seconds_behind_master) except: Seconds_behind_master = seconds_behind_master print '===============================' print 'Infomation of %s' % host print "The Num of metalock : %s" % meta_lock_num print "The Num of connection : %s" % connect_num # 上报当前连接数 send = send_repnum(36713, connect_num) # 上报字典锁数量 send = send_repnum(36715, meta_lock_num) if len(replicate_error) > 0: print replicate_error # 如果主从同步出现问题,就发送告警 report_alarm(36320, '%s: Replicate error' % host) elif Seconds_behind_master > 600: print "Seconds behid master: %s" % Seconds_behind_master # 如果主从延迟超过600s,就发送告警 report_alarm(36320, '%s: Seconds behind master ge 600' % host) #else: # print host + " is OK!" print '==============================='