

发表于:2025-02-02 作者:千家信息网编辑
千家信息网最后更新 2025年02月02日,本篇文章给大家分享的是有关centos7中如何安装samba,小编觉得挺实用的,因此分享给大家学习,希望大家阅读完这篇文章后可以有所收获,话不多说,跟着小编一起来看看吧。关闭防火墙[root@loca
千家信息网最后更新 2025年02月02日centos7中如何安装samba



[root@localhost ~]# systemctl stop firewalld.service [root@localhost ~]# systemctl disable firewalld.service Removed symlink /etc/systemd/system/dbus-org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1.service.Removed symlink /etc/systemd/system/basic.target.wants/firewalld.service.1234


[root@localhost ~]# cat /etc/selinux/config # This file controls the state of SELinux on the system.# SELINUX= can take one of these three values:#     enforcing - SELinux security policy is enforced.#     permissive - SELinux prints warnings instead of enforcing.#     disabled - No SELinux policy is loaded.# SELINUX=enforcingSELINUX=disabled# SELINUXTYPE= can take one of three two values:#     targeted - Targeted processes are protected,#     minimum - Modification of targeted policy. Only selected processes are protected. #     mls - Multi Level Security protection.SELINUXTYPE=targeted1234567891011121314


[root@localhost ]# yum install samba#查看[root@localhost ]# rpm -qa | grep sambasamba-common-libs-4.8.3-4.el7.x86_64samba-libs-4.8.3-4.el7.x86_64samba-common-tools-4.8.3-4.el7.x86_64samba-common-4.8.3-4.el7.noarchsamba-client-libs-4.8.3-4.el7.x86_64samba-4.8.3-4.el7.x86_64samba-client-4.8.3-4.el7.x86_6412345678910111213
samba-common-3.5.10-125.el6.x86_64               //主要提供samba服务器的设置文件与设置文件语法检验程序testparmsamba-client-3.5.10-125.el6.x86_64                    //客户端软件,主要提供linux主机作为客户端时,所需要的工具指令集samba-swat-3.5.10-125.el6.x86_64                    //基于https协议的samba服务器web配置界面samba-3.5.10-125.el6.x86_64                            //服务器端软件,主要提供samba服务器的守护程序,共享文档,日志的轮替,开机默认选项1234



#======================= Global Settings =====================================[global]                                                  # ----------------------- Network Related Options -------------------------## workgroup = NT-Domain-Name or Workgroup-Name, eg: MIDEARTH## server string is the equivalent of the NT Description field## netbios name can be used to specify a server name not tied to the hostnameworkgroup = WORKGROUP                             server string = Liuyunsheng Samba Server Version %v     netbios name = Liuyunsheng-Samba                         # --------------------------- Logging Options -----------------------------## Log File let you specify where to put logs and how to split them up.log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m                                                                            # ----------------------- Standalone Server Options ------------------------## Scurity can be set to user, share(deprecated) or server(deprecated)security = user map to guest = Bad User                                 #============================ Share Definitions ==============================[public]                                          comment = Public Stuff                            path = /home/test/testwriteable = yespublic = yes 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536
# 启动smb服务[root@localhost samba]# systemctl start smb[root@localhost samba]# systemctl status smb● smb.service - Samba SMB Daemon   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/smb.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)   Active: active (running) since Thu 2019-04-25 14:44:24 CST; 3s ago     Docs: man:smbd(8)           man:samba(7)           man:smb.conf(5) Main PID: 22111 (smbd)   Status: "smbd: ready to serve connections..."   Memory: 8.3M   CGroup: /system.slice/smb.service           ├─22111 /usr/sbin/smbd --foreground --no-process-group           ├─22115 /usr/sbin/smbd --foreground --no-process-group           ├─22116 /usr/sbin/smbd --foreground --no-process-group           └─22117 /usr/sbin/smbd --foreground --no-process-groupApr 25 14:44:24 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Starting Samba SMB Daemon...Apr 25 14:44:24 localhost.localdomain smbd[22111]: [2019/04/25 14:44:24.814732,  0] ../lib/util/become_daemon.c:138(daemon_ready)Apr 25 14:44:24 localhost.localdomain smbd[22111]:   daemon_ready: STATUS=daemon 'smbd' finished starting up and ready to serve connectionsApr 25 14:44:24 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Started Samba SMB Daemon.12345678910111213141516171819202122
[root@localhost share]# smbpasswd -a testUnknown parameter encountered: "     map to guest"Ignoring unknown parameter "     map to guest"New SMB password:Retype new SMB password:Failed to add entry for user test.123456
[root@localhost share]# groupadd test -g 6000[root@localhost share]# useradd test -u 6000 -g 6000 -s /sbin/nologin -d /dev/nulluseradd: warning: the home directory already exists.Not copying any file from skel directory into it.12345
[root@localhost share]# smbpasswd -a testUnknown parameter encountered: "     map to guest"Ignoring unknown parameter "     map to guest"New SMB password:Retype new SMB password:Added user test.1234567
[root@localhost samba]# smbpasswd -x testDeleted user test.1234




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