create tablespace users
datafile 'D:\Oracle\oracle\oradata\users.dbf'
size 100m
autoextend on
next 100m maxsize 20480m
extent management local;
create user hy_pubres identified by 123;
grant create session to hy_pubres;
grant create table to hy_pubres;
grant create tablespace to hy_pubres;
grant create view to hy_pubres;
alter user hy_pubres quota unlimited on icity;
alter user hy_pubres quota unlimited on users;
grant create job to HY_PUBRES;
grant create procedure to HY_PUBRES;
grant create sequence to HY_PUBRES;
grant create session to HY_PUBRES;
grant create table to HY_PUBRES;
grant create tablespace to HY_PUBRES;
grant create trigger to HY_PUBRES;
grant create view to HY_PUBRES;
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怎么解决数据库ERROR 1524 (HY000): Plugin is not loaded问题
这篇文章主要介绍"怎么解决数据库ERROR 1524 (HY000): Plugin is not loaded问题",在日常操作中,相信很多人在怎么解决数据库ERROR 1524 (HY000):
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OSPF的DR以及BDR选举规则 以及在实际环境中最高RouterID非DR的原因探究
作为一个典型的分析记录,分享给需要者。一、OSPF协议描述OSPF(Open ShortestPath First)开放最短路径优先协议为IETF开发的一种开放式的动态路由协议,该协议根据当前链路状态