

发表于:2024-09-30 作者:千家信息网编辑
千家信息网最后更新 2024年09月30日,shell脚本编程之正则表达式(一)一、前言​ 本文主要讲述shell正则表达式的主要概念和常用"三剑客"之一的grep命令二、正则表达式的定义​ 正则表达式:或称正规表达式、常规表达式。是使用单个字
千家信息网最后更新 2024年09月30日shell脚本编程之正则表达式(一)(基础正则表达式、grep)



​ 本文主要讲述shell正则表达式的主要概念和常用"三剑客"之一的grep命令


​ 正则表达式:或称正规表达式、常规表达式。是使用单个字符串来描述、匹配一系列符合某个句法规则的字符串,即通过一些特殊符号实现快速查找、删除、替换某个特定字符串。由普通字符和元字符组成的文字模式。

​ 普通字符:如大小写字母、数字、标点符号以及一些其他符号

​ 元字符:具有特殊意义的专用字符,可以用来规定其前导字符(即位于元字符前面的字符)在目标对象中的出现模式。



  • 基础正则表达式--grep与sed支持
  • 扩展正则表达式--egrep与awk支持






  1. -n--显示行号
  2. -i--忽略大小写
  3. -v--反向查找
[root@lokott opt]# cat test.txt              //测试文本内容he was short and fat.He was wearing a blue polo shirt with black pants. The home of Football on BBC Sport online.the tongue is boneless but it breaks bones.12! google is the best tools for search keyword.The year ahead will test our political establishment to the limit.PI=3.141592653589793238462643383249901429a wood cross!Actions speak louder than words#woood ##woooooood # AxyzxyzxyzxyzCI bet this place is really spooky late at night! Misfortunes never come alone/single.I shouldn't have lett so tast.


[root@lokott opt]# grep -n 'the' test.txt      //显示行号检索含有the的行4:the tongue is boneless but it breaks bones.12!5: google is the best tools for search keyword.6:The year ahead will test our political establishment to the limit.[root@lokott opt]# grep -ni 'the' test.txt              //显示行号,不区分大小写检索含有the的行3:The home of Football on BBC Sport online.4:the tongue is boneless but it breaks bones.12!5: google is the best tools for search keyword.6:The year ahead will test our political establishment to the limit.[root@lokott opt]# grep -nv 'the' test.txt     //显示行号,检索不带the的行1:he was short and fat.2:He was wearing a blue polo shirt with black pants. 3:The home of Football on BBC Sport online.7:PI=3.1415926535897932384626433832499014298:a wood cross!9:Actions speak louder than words10:11:12:#woood #13:#woooooood # 14:AxyzxyzxyzxyzC15:I bet this place is really spooky late at night! 16:Misfortunes never come alone/single.17:I shouldn't have lett so tast.

2)下面利用中括号[ ]来查找集合字符

[root@lokott opt]# grep -n 'sh[io]rt' test.txt       //检索包含shirt或者short的行1:he was short and fat.2:He was wearing a blue polo shirt with black pants. [root@lokott opt]# grep -n 'oo' test.txt              //重复字符检索3:The home of Football on BBC Sport online.5: google is the best tools for search keyword.8:a wood cross!12:#woood #13:#woooooood # 15:I bet this place is really spooky late at night! [root@lokott opt]# grep -n '[^w]oo' test.txt             //检索oo字符的前导字符为非w的行3:The home of Football on BBC Sport online.5: google is the best tools for search keyword.12:#woood #            //这里匹配的是后面的两个o,其前导字符为第一个o,所以显示的时候这三个o为红色13:#woooooood #         //这里匹配的是第一个到第6个o15:I bet this place is really spooky late at night! [root@lokott opt]# grep -n '[^a-z]oo' test.txt   //匹配字符串oo前面为非小写字母的行,匹配的是Foo3:The home of Football on BBC Sport online. [root@lokott opt]# grep -n '[0-9]' test.txt       //匹配数字字符4:the tongue is boneless but it breaks bones.12!7:PI=3.141592653589793238462643383249901429



[root@lokott opt]# grep -n '^the' test.txt                   //检索以the开头的行4:the tongue is boneless but it breaks bones.12![root@lokott opt]# grep -n '^[a-z]' test.txt                //检索以小写字母开头的行 1:he was short and fat.4:the tongue is boneless but it breaks bones.12!8:a wood cross![root@lokott opt]# grep -n '^[a-zA-Z]' test.txt               //检索以字母开头的行1:he was short and fat.2:He was wearing a blue polo shirt with black pants. 3:The home of Football on BBC Sport online.4:the tongue is boneless but it breaks bones.12!6:The year ahead will test our political establishment to the limit.7:PI=3.1415926535897932384626433832499014298:a wood cross!9:Actions speak louder than words14:AxyzxyzxyzxyzC15:I bet this place is really spooky late at night! 16:Misfortunes never come alone/single.17:I shouldn't have lett so tast.[root@lokott opt]# grep -n '^[^a-zA-Z]' test.txt      //检索不是以字母开头的行5: google is the best tools for search keyword.12:#woood #13:#woooooood # 




[root@lokott opt]# grep -n '\.$' test.txt           //检索以点"."结尾的行1:he was short and fat. 3:The home of Football on BBC Sport online.5: google is the best tools for search keyword.6:The year ahead will test our political establishment to the limit.16:Misfortunes never come alone/single.17:I shouldn't have lett so tast.[root@lokott opt]# grep -n '^$' test.txt             //检索出空行 10:11:

注意:!!"."代表点的意思的时候,进行查找需要使用" \ " 转义,因为点号"."也是元字符


[root@lokott opt]# grep -n 'w..d' test.txt                //检索w和d之间可以是任意两个字符的行5: google is the best tools for search keyword.8:a wood cross!9:Actions speak louder than words[root@lokott opt]# grep -n 'wo*d' test.txt                 //检索w和d之间o出现0次或者多次的行8:a wood cross!12:#woood #13:#woooooood # [root@lokott opt]# grep -n 'ooo*d' test.txt             //检索第三个o出现0次或者多次的行8:a wood cross!12:#woood #13:#woooooood #[root@lokott opt]# grep -n 'w.*d' test.txt               //检索w与d之间可有可无的字符的行1:he was short and fat.5: google is the best tools for search keyword.8:a wood cross!9:Actions speak louder than words12:#woood #13:#woooooood # [root@lokott opt]# grep -n '[0-9][0-9]*' test.txt      //检索任意数字所在的行4:the tongue is boneless but it breaks bones.12!7:PI=3.141592653589793238462643383249901429


​ {}主要作用是为了限制一个范围内重复的字符串,例如查找3-5个o的连续字符即可需要使用{},但是由于在shell中其有特定意义,所以需要利用转义字符"\",将"{}"字符转换成普通字符。

[root@lokott opt]# grep -n 'o\{2\}' test.txt     //检索连续两个字符"o"的行3:The home of Football on BBC Sport online.5: google is the best tools for search keyword.8:a wood cross!12:#woood #13:#woooooood # 15:I bet this place is really spooky late at night! [root@lokott opt]# grep -n 'wo\{2,5\}d' test.txt //检索以w开头d结尾o出现2-5次的行8:a wood cross!12:#woood #[root@lokott opt]# grep -n 'wo\{2,\}d' test.txt   //检索w开头d结尾o出现2次以上的行8:a wood cross!12:#woood #13:#woooooood # 















​ 本文主要是借grep命令引出基础正则表达式的基本概念与用法,介绍了如何使用基础正则表达式以及对元字符进行解释与常用元字符的总结。