

发表于:2024-10-23 作者:千家信息网编辑
千家信息网最后更新 2024年10月23日,这篇文章主要介绍"php的xml怎么转化成json",在日常操作中,相信很多人在php的xml怎么转化成json问题上存在疑惑,小编查阅了各式资料,整理出简单好用的操作方法,希望对大家解答"php的x
千家信息网最后更新 2024年10月23日php的xml怎么转化成json


php xml转化成json的方法:1、创建一个PHP示例文件;2、找到需要转换的xml文件;3、通过"function xmlToArray($xml, $options = array()) {...}"方法将其转换成json即可。

本文操作环境:Windows7系统、PHP7.1版本、Dell G3电脑

php xml怎么转化成json?


以下代码演示了如何将一个 xml 文件的数据转换为 Json 格式数据:

function xmlToArray($xml, $options = array()) {    $defaults = array(        'namespaceSeparator' => ':',//you may want this to be something other than a colon        'attributePrefix' => '@',   //to distinguish between attributes and nodes with the same name        'alwaysArray' => array(),   //array of xml tag names which should always become arrays        'autoArray' => true,        //only create arrays for tags which appear more than once        'textContent' => '$',       //key used for the text content of elements        'autoText' => true,         //skip textContent key if node has no attributes or child nodes        'keySearch' => false,       //optional search and replace on tag and attribute names        'keyReplace' => false       //replace values for above search values (as passed to str_replace())    );    $options = array_merge($defaults, $options);    $namespaces = $xml->getDocNamespaces();    $namespaces[''] = null; //add base (empty) namespace     //get attributes from all namespaces    $attributesArray = array();    foreach ($namespaces as $prefix => $namespace) {        foreach ($xml->attributes($namespace) as $attributeName => $attribute) {            //replace characters in attribute name            if ($options['keySearch']) $attributeName =                    str_replace($options['keySearch'], $options['keyReplace'], $attributeName);            $attributeKey = $options['attributePrefix']                    . ($prefix ? $prefix . $options['namespaceSeparator'] : '')                    . $attributeName;            $attributesArray[$attributeKey] = (string)$attribute;        }    }     //get child nodes from all namespaces    $tagsArray = array();    foreach ($namespaces as $prefix => $namespace) {        foreach ($xml->children($namespace) as $childXml) {            //recurse into child nodes            $childArray = xmlToArray($childXml, $options);            list($childTagName, $childProperties) = each($childArray);             //replace characters in tag name            if ($options['keySearch']) $childTagName =                    str_replace($options['keySearch'], $options['keyReplace'], $childTagName);            //add namespace prefix, if any            if ($prefix) $childTagName = $prefix . $options['namespaceSeparator'] . $childTagName;             if (!isset($tagsArray[$childTagName])) {                //only entry with this key                //test if tags of this type should always be arrays, no matter the element count                $tagsArray[$childTagName] =                        in_array($childTagName, $options['alwaysArray']) || !$options['autoArray']                        ? array($childProperties) : $childProperties;            } elseif (                is_array($tagsArray[$childTagName]) && array_keys($tagsArray[$childTagName])                === range(0, count($tagsArray[$childTagName]) - 1)            ) {                //key already exists and is integer indexed array                $tagsArray[$childTagName][] = $childProperties;            } else {                //key exists so convert to integer indexed array with previous value in position 0                $tagsArray[$childTagName] = array($tagsArray[$childTagName], $childProperties);            }        }    }     //get text content of node    $textContentArray = array();    $plainText = trim((string)$xml);    if ($plainText !== '') $textContentArray[$options['textContent']] = $plainText;     //stick it all together    $propertiesArray = !$options['autoText'] || $attributesArray || $tagsArray || ($plainText === '')            ? array_merge($attributesArray, $tagsArray, $textContentArray) : $plainText;     //return node as array    return array(        $xml->getName() => $propertiesArray    );}


$xmlNode = simplexml_load_file('example.xml');$arrayData = xmlToArray($xmlNode);echo json_encode($arrayData);
