

发表于:2024-09-23 作者:千家信息网编辑
千家信息网最后更新 2024年09月23日,场景1: httpd server不能够编译,错误如下:configure: error: in `/opt/httpd-2.2.19/srclib/apr':configure: error: no
千家信息网最后更新 2024年09月23日web与tomcat服务器集成问题汇总

场景1: httpd server不能够编译,

configure: error: in `/opt/httpd-2.2.19/srclib/apr':configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATHSee `config.log' for more details.configure failed for srclib/apr

原因:缺少c编辑器,比如 GCC或GCC+等。


场景2 Apache不能够使用make命令编译,显示已存在该进程。

Error: make is not able to compile the code


解决方案: 运行下面命令

make clean#Thenmakemake install

场景3 Apache HTTP服务器不能够连接到TOMCAT7

Error:不能通过 AJP连接



[root@localhost logs]# cat error_log[Mon Jul 25 16:11:00 2011] [notice] Apache/2.2.19 (Unix) DAV/2 configured -- resuming normal operations[Mon Jul 25 16:52:16 2011] [notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down[Mon Jul 25 16:52:23 2011] [warn] No JkShmFile defined in httpd.conf. Using default /opt/apache-2.2.19/logs/jk-runtime-status[Mon Jul 25 16:52:23 2011] [warn] No JkShmFile defined in httpd.conf. Using default /opt/apache-2.2.19/logs/jk-runtime-status[Mon Jul 25 16:52:23 2011] [notice] Apache/2.2.19 (Unix) DAV/2 mod_jk/1.2.32 configured -- resuming normal operations[root@localhost logs]# cat mod_jk.log[Mon Jul 25 16:52:23.555 2011] [13355:3086857920] [warn] jk_map_validate_property::jk_map.c (411): The attribute 'worker.node1.cachesize' is deprecated - please check the documentation for the correct replacement.[Mon Jul 25 16:52:23.555 2011] [13355:3086857920] [info] init_jk::mod_jk.c (3252): mod_jk/1.2.32 () initialized[Mon Jul 25 16:52:23.564 2011] [13356:3086857920] [warn] jk_map_validate_property::jk_map.c (411): The attribute 'worker.node1.cachesize' is deprecated - please check the documentation for the correct replacement.[Mon Jul 25 16:52:23.564 2011] [13356:3086857920] [info] init_jk::mod_jk.c (3252): mod_jk/1.2.32 () initialized

也可以运行./apachectl configtest检查配置文件配置是否正确