

发表于:2024-10-22 作者:千家信息网编辑
千家信息网最后更新 2024年10月22日,环境:python2.7可以进一步完善#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-print u"+========================================+"print u"
千家信息网最后更新 2024年10月22日python实现简易ATM



# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-print u"+========================================+"print u"+=============2017年7月20日==============+"print u"+==============作者:天道酬勤============+"print u"+========================================+"user_name = "C:\Users\95112\Desktop\ATM\username" #定义用户名和密码的位置goods     = "C:\Users\95112\Desktop\ATM\goods"  #定义商品列表的的位置salary = 0#登录def login():        global a        global salary        username=[]        password=[]        money  =[]        f = file(user_name)        for line in f.readlines():                new_line = line.split()                username.append(int(new_line[0]))                password.append(int(new_line[1]))                money.append(int(new_line[2]))         UserName = int(raw_input("please input your username:"))        if UserName in username:                PassWord = int(raw_input("please input your password:"))                username_passwd = password[username.index(UserName)]  #取出username相对应的密码                salary = money[username.index(UserName)]  #取出账户中相对应的钱                if PassWord == username_passwd:                        a = 1 #登录成功的标志                        print "Login successful"                        print "You still have %s of the balance" % money                else:                        a = 0                        print "password error"                        else:                a = 0                print "your username error"        return a        return salary#购物def shopping():        global salary        products=[]        price=[]        shop_list= []        f = file(goods)        for line in f.readlines():                new_line = line.split()                products.append(new_line[0])                price.append(int(new_line[1]))        while 1:                print u'请从以下商品中挑选一个或者几个购买:'                print products                for i in range(0,len(products)):                        if (salary>=price[i]):                                print products[i],price[i]                print "+---------------------------------+"                print u"输入exit可以退出购买"                choice  = raw_input("please choice a shop to buy:")                F_choice = choice.strip()#去除空格,格式化输出。                #退出循环                if F_choice == "exit":                        break                if F_choice in products:                        product_price = price[products.index(F_choice)] #取出产品价格                        print "+---------------------------------+"                        print u"你要购买的商品以及价格:",F_choice,product_price                        print u"商品正在加入购物列表,请稍等"                        if salary > product_price:                                shop_list.append(F_choice)                                salary = salary - product_price                                print "+---------------------------------+"                                print u"你已经成功购买了%s" % F_choice                                print u"你的余额还有:", salary                                print u"你已经购买的商品有:", shop_list                                print "+---------------------------------+"                        else:                                pass                else:                        print u"你输入的商品不在商品列表里,请重新输入!"                return salary#转账或者提现def Transfer_accounts():        global salary        print u"每次转账和提现收取百分之5的服务费."        inputs = int(raw_input("please input you should how much money:"))        SS = inputs*0.05        zong = inputs + SS        if ( salary < zong or salary < inputs):                print u"余额不足"        else:                salary = salary - zong        print "+------------------------------+"        print u"成功转账%s" % inputs        print u"扣除手续费%s" % SS        print "+------------------------------+"        return salary#查询余额def check_the_balance():        global salary        print "+---------------------------+"        print u"你的金额还有%s" % salary        print "+---------------------------+"#菜单def menu():    print u"""Welcome to use ATM automatic teller machine            If the machine failure please contact ATM\t """    while True:            print u"\t(1) 购物"            print u"\t(2) 转账"            print u"\t(3) 查询余额"            print u"\t(4) 退出"        choices = raw_input("Please choices:").strip()        if len(choices) == 0:                continue        if choices == '1':                shopping()            elif choices == '2':                    Transfer_accounts()            elif choices == '3':                    check_the_balance()        else:            print "Please pay attention to the property security"            exit()if __name__ == '__main__':        login()        if a == 1:                menu()        else:                pass
