

发表于:2025-02-16 作者:千家信息网编辑
千家信息网最后更新 2025年02月16日,这篇文章主要讲解了"怎么用R语言绘图时实现输出希腊字符上下标及数学公式",文中的讲解内容简单清晰,易于学习与理解,下面请大家跟着小编的思路慢慢深入,一起来研究和学习"怎么用R语言绘图时实现输出希腊字符
千家信息网最后更新 2025年02月16日怎么用R语言绘图时实现输出希腊字符上下标及数学公式




plot(cars)title(main = _expression(Sigma))



plot(cars)title(main = _expression(Sigma[1]~'a'*'n'*'d'~Sigma^2))



plot(cars)title(main = _expression(paste(Sigma[1], ' and ', Sigma^2)))




_expression(paste((frac(1, m)+frac(1, n))^-1, ABCD[paste(m, ',', n)]))






具体要求可参考:Mathematical Annotation in R


(下表也可以直接在 R help 中搜索 plotmath 获取。)

x + yx plus y
x - yx minus y
x*yjuxtapose x and y
x/yx forwardslash y
x %±% yx plus or minus y
x %/% yx divided by y
x %*% yx times y
x %.% yx cdot y
x[i]x subscript i
x^2x superscript 2
paste(x, y, z)juxtapose x, y, and z
sqrt(x)square root of x
sqrt(x, y)yth root of x
x == yx equals y
x != yx is not equal to y
x < yx is less than y
x <= yx is less than or equal to y
x > yx is greater than y
x >= yx is greater than or equal to y
!xnot x
x %~~% yx is approximately equal to y
x %=~% yx and y are congruent
x %==% yx is defined as y
x %prop% yx is proportional to y
x %~% yx is distributed as y
plain(x)draw x in normal font
bold(x)draw x in bold font
italic(x)draw x in italic font
bolditalic(x)draw x in bolditalic font
symbol(x)draw x in symbol font
list(x, y, z)comma-separated list
ellipsis (height varies)
cdotsellipsis (vertically centred)
ldotsellipsis (at baseline)
x %subset% yx is a proper subset of y
x %subseteq% yx is a subset of y
x %notsubset% yx is not a subset of y
x %supset% yx is a proper superset of y
x %supseteq% yx is a superset of y
x %in% yx is an element of y
x %notin% yx is not an element of y
hat(x)x with a circumflex
tilde(x)x with a tilde
dot(x)x with a dot
ring(x)x with a ring
bar(xy)xy with bar
widehat(xy)xy with a wide circumflex
widetilde(xy)xy with a wide tilde
x %<->% yx double-arrow y
x %->% yx right-arrow y
x %<-% yx left-arrow y
x %up% yx up-arrow y
x %down% yx down-arrow y
x %<=>% yx is equivalent to y
x %=>% yx implies y
x %<=% yy implies x
x %dblup% yx double-up-arrow y
x %dbldown% yx double-down-arrow y
alpha - omegaGreek symbols
Alpha - Omegauppercase Greek symbols
theta1, phi1, sigma1, omega1cursive Greek symbols
Upsilon1capital upsilon with hook
alephfirst letter of Hebrew alphabet
infinityinfinity symbol
partialdiffpartial differential symbol
nablanabla, gradient symbol
32*degree32 degrees
60*minute60 minutes of angle
30*second30 seconds of angle
displaystyle(x)draw x in normal size (extra spacing)
textstyle(x)draw x in normal size
scriptstyle(x)draw x in small size
scriptscriptstyle(x)draw x in very small size
underline(x)draw x underlined
x ~~ yput extra space between x and y
x + phantom(0) + yleave gap for "0", but don't draw it
x + over(1, phantom(0))leave vertical gap for "0" (don't draw)
frac(x, y)x over y
over(x, y)x over y
atop(x, y)x over y (no horizontal bar)
sum(x[i], i==1, n)sum x[i] for i equals 1 to n
prod(plain§(X==x), x)product of P(X=x) for all values of x
integral(f(x)*dx, a, b)definite integral of f(x) wrt x
union(A[i], i==1, n)union of A[i] for i equals 1 to n
intersect(A[i], i==1, n)intersection of A[i]
lim(f(x), x %->% 0)limit of f(x) as x tends to 0
min(g(x), x > 0)minimum of g(x) for x greater than 0
inf(S)infimum of S
sup(S)supremum of S
x^y + znormal operator precedence
x^(y + z)visible grouping of operands
x^{y + z}invisible grouping of operands
group("(",list(a, b),"]")specify left and right delimiters
bgroup("(",atop(x,y),")")use scalable delimiters
group(lceil, x, rceil)special delimiters
group(lfloor, x, rfloor)special delimiters
